What is the Liebster Award??

The Liebster Award is a blogging community gem, encouraging up-and-coming bloggers to share pieces of themselves with the world.
The rules are simple:
1.Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Display the award on your blog.
3. Answer a set of 11 questions provided by the nominating blogger.
4. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
5. Nominate 11 blogs with less than 1000 followers.
6. Create your own set of questions for your nominees to answer.
Now It's My Turn!
I want to give a big thanks to Blogger @Teacupgeek for my nomination! Listed below are the answers to the 11 questions, and a list of 11 random facts. Enjoy!
1. When and why did you start blogging. I've actually been blogging for a few years on and off but my son and college have always been first priority. I was told numerous times by family members that I should write a book on my thoughts, knowledge, and experience but blogging is much more fun.
2.What are your favorite things to blog about. Hiking, my son, my experiences, and soon hopefully my obsession with cleaning and kitchen gadgets.
3. What are your hobbies besides blogging. Hiking, camping, and spending time with my son and boyfriend.
4. What are the biggest challenges you have faced while blogging. Getting people to read my content and give me a chance before they become disinterested. My current biggest challenge is getting paid for my posts.
5. Describe yourself using only three words. Passionate, loyal, feisty.
6. What is your favorite quote, and why does it mean so much to you? Anything by RM Drake. It is so heartfelt and beautifully confusing.
7. If money was no object, what would be the first thing you would do? Pay bills and move to Italy.
8. Do you have any pets? (If not, what pet would you like to have)? Yes, dogs.
9. What is your most prized possession? Why does it mean so much? My photographs. All of our memories are captured in time.
10. What is your most cherished memory so far? Going camping at Big Bear for my son's and boyfriend's bday and taking a helicopter ride for the first time with them!
11. Where do you see yourself in a years time? In the process of buying a house with a pool.
Random Facts: I crochet, I enjoy hiking more than most people, I am my own worst critic, my feelings get easily hurt, I love to bake, I can't have gluten but I don't have Celiacs, I love to travel, I can only take naps on the beach in the summer, I don't allow my dogs in the kitchen, I like pilates and cardio workouts, I'm addicted to chocolate.
Nomination Time!
Now it's time to nominate some fellow bloggers to answer eleven questions of my choosing. I hope you find them fun!
-Extraordinarily Average Life - Face of AliceMarie - Earl Gray Times - Curly Chronicles - Odyssey - Aseels Corner - Greta Hollar - Small Towns and City Lights - Erin Cusack - Adulting Daily - More Than Rubies
The Questions Are:
1. What type of blogger are you?
2. Why do you blog?
3. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
4. Is your family supportive of your blogging?
5. When do you find time to blog?
6.What do you do when you're not blogging?
7. What is your favorite food or recipe?
8. Have you ever used an Uber driver? How was your experience?
9. Do you consider yourself sporty or girly? Why?
10. Are you a purse or a shoes girl?
11. What advice would you give other bloggers?
Just because your blog isn't nominated doesn't mean you can't get involved! Answer away and share your link in the comments! :D
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